"Who is the third who walks always beside you?"
Friday, May 6, 2011, 23:59
It was only of late that she had felt it.
She had known for a while that her shadow had become dormant, reclusive even.
She had always had intellect-filled
conversations with her shadow;
Her shadow responded in kind, occasionally giving her more than silence,
perhaps somewhat in acknowledgement
or gratitude for its own existence.
But this was a different matter entirely, she knew.
It was the silence and near disappearance of her own shadow
That clued her in on the danger.
Something, someone
Was sucking, slowly
Away at her life-force.
She could nearly see it dissipating;
Becoming intangible and whispery.
Who was the third?
Who was the third unknown
Who Walked, closely
Boding danger?
How strange to think, that
It was her shadow's disappearance
That clued her in to it all.

Talk About Pets
Wednesday, May 4, 2011, 17:27
Name: Sean Taylor
Age: 5 months (?)
Gender: Male
Characteristics/Description: Small, but large for his kind. White with brownish-grey fur on his back. Likes eating carrots and broccoli. Shits quite a lot. Enjoys running around in a blue transparent ball. Is afraid of vacuum cleaners.

No, this is not some love child. It's my hamster. :)

So Close and Yet So Far
Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 01:10
I want a pet so that I can talk to it.

Dear Anon/Angry Bird
, 00:46
Dear Anon/Angry Bird,

Thanks to O (a junior of mine), I think that you are one of my juniors. Or someone whom I have met in school. Probably. O had texted me, and O revealed that I had a 'stalker' - well, I don't call reading my blog (even the old archives) to be stalking. Following me home is considered stalking. That would be excessive.

Thank you for your kind comments on my self-image. I would like you to know that although your comments have been exceedingly welcome and balm-like, I still hold the same kind of self-image that I have. I do not mean to say that your comments were useless; in fact, they were not. I will not elaborate further. Others who read my blog may receive the wrong idea.


Talk About Visitors
Thursday, April 14, 2011, 00:47
Someone called Wolf-Eyes commented on my cbox that although I may not want Wolf Totem anymore, I could find it in the mg library. Well, the mg library was where I first saw the book. I certainly want it. Along with all the other books on my list of wanted books.

Someone else called anon, apparently, has decided that I am not fat. Unfortunately, anon is not me, and anon, even if you know me and apparently decide that I am not carrying revolting excess adipose, I believe the decision and judgement is mine alone in the end. At any rate, bear in mind that the uniform in which you probably see me in is this baggy sack that conceals everything.

Talk About Being Fucked Up
Saturday, April 9, 2011, 21:47
My juniors think I'm a nice person and they think I'm smart and good at debate! I'm having the laugh of the century. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

They think they know me. Hahahahah! That's your cue to laugh even harder 'cos they don't! I mean, yes, to a certain extent I am a nice person (despite everything I think I am not meant to kill people) but they don't know how screwed up their senior is! Hahahah!

I mean, there's so much they don't know. That people don't know, in general. Hahahah. But then again I'm not as screwed up as I could possibly be if I were other people (no finger-pointing here though) so I guess I'm doing good.

I'm having the laugh of a century - not to mention it's nice to think that others think I'm nice. :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011, 16:31
I don't believe it when you say I've lost weight because I haven't, and I still need to stop eating so much. I need to stick to three meals, not eat eight times a day.